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Weekly Status Report, W18/2007
Wow, actually, this week since my last status update went by much faster than I would have expected. Time really ran through my fingers the last few days and I probably have managed to do less stuff than what I personally expected in SeaMonkey terms - but I know I'm always aiming quite high when it comes to personal targets 
There are still some things to report from week 18/2007 (April 30 - May 6):
Tasks without progress I want to work on next week (yes, I suck, the two of last week are still on the list):
There are still some things to report from week 18/2007 (April 30 - May 6):
- Upcoming release:
Tagged 1.0.9 and 1.1.2 in CVS and created first round of candidates. We're now using litmus.m.o instead of the now unavailable testrunner install we had previously, please stop by in #seamonkey if you want to help with smoketests. - Created SeaMonkey dev watching page
This is page on dev.seamonkey.at is mainly there to track CVS tags for the releases, but also recent bugzilla and bonsai activity. - Bookmarks chrome and "source L10n":
As I reported earlier, bookmarks chrome wasn't moved to suite/ previously and therefore it was one of the last few blockers of "source L10n" for suiterunner. I fixed this via bug 377799 this week, German L10n for its strings is there for testing as well.
This means that suite source L10n is now close, still there are some minor things to sort out (bug 377801) - and P3P as well as wallet need to be killed. All the big moving around of files has been finished in this area though. - suiterunner:
Ongoing discusssions, including removal of the dependency on xpcom_obsolete, which requires turning off sroaming currently until someone re-starts real work on it. Rob Strong has promised to look at the NSIS patch this upcoming week, no other news on the big stuff though - we still badly need someone with XBL, <tree> and nsIDownload knowledge to work on getting download manager to work. - Various discussions:
As usual, many small discussions about a broad range of topics, this time including first parts of a PHP implementation for L20n, suiterunner help, mac theming, palm sync fixes for tinderbox, continuing Mozilla2 newsgroup discussions.
Tasks without progress I want to work on next week (yes, I suck, the two of last week are still on the list):
- SeaMonkey slogan(s):
Need to filter out well-recieved proposals from the newsgroup thread and get some clue how to decide on which one(s) we will be using for marketing material in the immediate future. For the first round of stuff in our new shop, I'm using the www.seamonkey-project.org URL instead of a slogan though, which redirects to our main project site. - Trademark policy:
For posting marketing material, we need to have a useful trademark policy. A proposal is in review with MoFo, need to poke Gerv once again about that. - SeaMonkey Marketing Shop:
I hope I will get my test order this week, probably will announce the shop then. I'm still thinking about maybe taking a additional dollar per item, so that we may be able to upgrade to a "premium shop" where we could use more than one design per T-shirt type and more custom site design. And if there would be lots of such dollars of income, we could still donate T-shirts to selected coders.
Beitrag geschrieben von KaiRo und gepostet am 7. Mai 2007 15:12 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack
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