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Juli 2012

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Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


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23. Juli 2012

Weekly Status Report, W29/2012

Here's a short summary of Mozilla-related work I've done in week 29/2012 (July 16 - 22, 2012):
  • CSI:Mozilla / CrashKill:
    Followed more progress on B2G crash reporting and added a bug for adding B2G to Socorro once we have sending of reports working.
    More discussions of Flash 11.3 instabilities with "Protected Mode", including efforts on Mozilla's and Adobe's sides to improve on that.
    Watched the deployment of the newest Socorro update, testing the changes to featured versions and alarming the team when regular jobs didn't run when they're supposed to, after which they reverted parts of the update.
    Helped Benjamin to get a crash-analysis account up.
    Just like every week, watched new/rising crashes, caring that bugs are filed where needed.
  • SeaMonkey:
    Reviewed L10n parts of a patch for set as desktop background.
    Helped the 2.12b1 release with a few reviews.
  • Add-ons:
    Tried to port a few recent updates to the Data Manager add-on but running browser-chrome tests on add-ons is quite difficult with today's settings to disable application directory add-ons by default.
  • German L10n:
    Updated Florian's feed on the German Mozilla Planet.
    Reviewed a patch for Thunderbird 15 L10n.
    Did an emergency patch for SeaMonkey 2.12 to back out chatzilla and venkman changes that didn't land in releases yet.
    Updated core and suite localizations to trunk changes.
    Synchronized German l10n-central and l10n/mozilla-aurora at the stage of the Mozilla 16 uplift.
    Performed the license conversion to MPL2 on trunk and aurora.
  • Various Discussions/Topics:
    Localizing B2G, B2G desktop builds and testing, first parts of WebRTC landing, etc.

A lot of exciting things are going on these days, for example our first Firefox Beta for Android with both the fast new user interface and tablet support - or Nightly builds being available for ARMv6 phones. If you can help test any of those, that would be very welcome!
Also, B2G (Firefox OS) should be (mostly) feature complete now - unfortunately I can't test as I have no phone running that system. I still hope I'll be able to get one some time, so that I can do testing on the crash reporting functionality.
Ah, and BrowserID is now rebranded and a part of Mozilla Persona! I've already switched integration in my websites to point directly to the new brand. :)

Von KaiRo, um 21:48 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

19. Juli 2012

Weekly Status Report, W28/2012

Here's a short summary of Mozilla-related work I've done in week 28/2012 (July 9 - 15, 2012):
  • CSI:Mozilla / CrashKill:
    I visually reviewed more Socorro UI changes for rapid betas.
    Followed metrics getting ADU data for WebRT into Socorro and found out that the low crash numbers correspond to low ADUs as well.
    Followed progress on B2G crash reporting and took care that submission gets basecamp blocker status.
    Continued discussions of Flash 11.3 instabilities with protected mode.
    Some more discussions around missing versions and getting that fixed correctly.
    Also discussed crash reporter UI.
    Just like every week, watched new/rising crashes, caring that bugs are filed where needed.
  • German L10n:
    Reviewed Firefox and Fennec 15 localizations.
  • Various Discussions/Topics:
    Thunderbird management changes, Mozilla communication channels, trusted apps proposal for B2G, followup on Jono's post, etc.

This report is a bit late but I'm somewhat busy given that it's release week. We have just released Firefox 14, as well as an update to our Firefox for Android phones - and we've uplifted code on the other channels as well, so new betas and aurora builds are just around the corner, still to be released this week. Of course, I'm keeping track of stability of all those together with my collegues and trying to make sure we can catch any problems to improve further releases. Release weeks are always somewhat busy - but quite interesting. :)

Von KaiRo, um 20:06 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

10. Juli 2012

Weekly Status Report, W27/2012

Here's a short summary of Mozilla-related work I've done in week 27/2012 (July 2 - 8, 2012):
  • CSI:Mozilla / CrashKill:
    I visually reviewed a few Socorro UI changes for rapid betas.
    Followed the missing links to make WebRT support in Socorro complete.
    Noticed some versions missing on Socorro and filed a bug for that.
    Also filed a bug on adjusting FTP scraping for build changes.
    Followed up on some Stability Work Week discussions.
    Did some more triage of old crash bugs, e.g. there's no open crash bugs left in "Graveyard" products now.
    Continued discussions of Flash 11.3 instabilities with protected mode.
    Just like every week, watched new/rising crashes, caring that bugs are filed where needed.
  • SeaMonkey:
    Helped out a bit with some beta release problems and figuring out how a recent change in buildbot tooling has caused those.
    Reviewed a Data Manager improvement.
  • German L10n:
    Updated core and SeaMonkey L10n to recent trunk changes.
  • Themes:
    Uploaded new 2.10 versions of EarlyBlue and LCARStrek, which meanwhile also have reviews on AMO.
  • Various Discussions/Topics:
    SeaMonkey infrastructure, Thunderbird management changes, B2G and Gecko/low-level-OS L10n, key pinning, etc.

A lot of things are moving at Mozilla. While the rewritten Firefox for Android has been released now and is getting awesome reviews (most people are calling it the "best browser for Android" phones now - note that the tablet version is only going to release in a few weeks), we are working hard to push the next big product to become market-ready. The phone operating system code-named "Boot to Gecko" (B2G) is now being branded as "Firefox OS" and won a number of additional supporters. Until actual devices can be shipped around the turn of the year, a lot of work on the OS and the ecosystem of web apps still needs to be done and we are fully behind that (while at the same time continuing to improve desktop and Android Firefox, of course). Interesting times are upon us! :)

Von KaiRo, um 19:49 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

Weekly Status Report, W23-24/2012

Here's a short summary of Mozilla-related work I've done in weeks 23-24/2012 (June 4 - 17, 2012):
  • CSI:Mozilla / CrashKill:
    Updated forced Firefox versions for correlation reports once again.
    Together with Sheila, did some triage of old crash bugs.
    Commented on the first pieces of Socorro UI work for rapid betas.
    Had some discussions with relevant teams on crash reporting for desktop Webapp Runtime and for B2G.
    I was also involved in a lot of discussions about the new Flash 11.3 version crashing and hanging a lot more than older versions, mostly with their "Protected Mode" feature. We're continuing to track that.
    Had a ton of discussions on all kinds of different angles on Firefox stability Worked on some stats around Socorro bugs and crash signatures that I wanted to have around for Stability Work Week. One result of that is a list of bugs I filed due to our discussions.
    I also held a brown bag presentation on the life cycle of Firefox crashes.
  • German Localization:
    Reviewed patches for Thunderbird 14 and Firefox 14 L10n.
    I also synched core and SeaMonkey to changes in the Mozilla 15 cycle, and merged trunk to aurora with that state.

Both doing some work out of the Mountain View offices and the Stability Work Week were extremely welcome to me due to the amount of productive discussions as well as casual chats I could have with people there. The latter is completely absent from work as a remotee, but can have a lot of positive effects on work as well as personal feelings. The stability discussions gave us a good view of where problems lie and how we can improve things in the future. Some of this needs followup discussions, some only concrete work to be done - in all cases we improved mutual understanding of how things work or where we run into certain problems. All in all, a heavily successful two weeks in MV.

The following two weeks (June 18 - July 1), I took some time off to go on vacation in Northern California (and a bit of Southern Oregon, actually).

Von KaiRo, um 18:58 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

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