The roads I take...

KaiRo's weBlog

Mai 2007

Zeige Beiträge veröffentlicht am 04.05.2007,auf Englisch und mit "SeaMonkey" gekennzeichnet an. Zurück zu allen aktuellen Beiträgen

Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


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4. Mai 2007

Mini Beauty

As I've just been reading about what you can do with a Mac mini, I can't resist to show you people this one...

What do the two pictures below have in common?

Image No. 15489 Image No. 4422

You might not have guessed it, but both show Phlox. While the one on the right is a Star Trek: Enterprise character, the one on the left is my Mac mini, which I actually named after the former.
Oh, well, and both are somewhat alien to me, though in the meantime, also somewhat familiar.

OK, right, that picture with the Mac mini sitting on the floor surrounded by that "apple family" does not show what I'm actually doing with that box. Well, unfortunately I have no picture of that. It's sitting in some youth center in my home town of Steyr - and it's compiling SeaMonkey continuously. Working 24/7 as a so-called "tinderbox", it's pulling and compiling 1.8.0, 1.8 and trunk trees and building nightlies for the former two and suiterunner builds for the latter (and reporting to the Mozilla1.8.0-SeaMonkey, Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey and SeaMonkey-Ports tree pages). Oh, and it's been doing all the MacOSX release builds (and candidates) for SeaMonkey releases so far.

Another Mini going strong :)

Given that Apple box does "nightly" builds every day and is named after a (virtual) doctor, I just wonder what people mean with "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" ;-)

Von KaiRo, um 22:39 | Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Star Trek | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

QA wanted for 1.1.2 and 1.0.9 candidates

On the road the upcoming SeaMonkey 1.1.2 and 1.0.9 releases, which are due in sync with Firefox and and currently targeted for May 22nd, we once again need people to help testing the candidate builds.

Candidates for 1.0.9 are up on ftp.m.o already, 1.1.2 candidates are being mirrored to those machines at the moment and should be available there within the hour.

If you wonder what changes there have been since 1.1.1/1.0.8, you can get a rough buglist for 1.1.2 from Bugzilla, as well as a rough buglist for 1.0.9 - note that those lists may exclude security bugs that may stay hidden from the public at least until those versions get officially released.
Even without those, we have well over 200 fixes in the codebase in the 1.1.2 timeframe and 100 fixes in the 1.0.9 timeframe (not all listed fixes are actually in the SeaMonkey code), so we should test those builds quite well.

If you have some time left, please help doing smoketests on all 3 primary platforms, so we can be sure to have a chance to fix regressions and keep delivering high-quality software to our users!

Von KaiRo, um 11:43 | Tags: Mozilla, release, SeaMonkey | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

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