The roads I take...

KaiRo's weBlog

Februar 2009

Zeige Beiträge veröffentlicht im Februar 2009,auf Englisch und mit "FOSDEM" gekennzeichnet an. Zurück zu allen aktuellen Beiträgen

Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


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10. Februar 2009

Weekly Status Report, W06/2009

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 06/2009 (February 02 - 08, 2009):
  • Build System:
    My patch for faster builds got approval and is now in 1.9.1 as well, I hope depend builds are really faster again now.
  • Website Work:
    I did some work to finally get the download pages on redirect to the project list. This has been a long-going story and it's nice to see it finally resolved.
    Most of the time time week was occupied with work for FOSDEM, be it creating the slides for my talk, or the traveling to Brussels and actually attending the conference there - including its usual overloaded network.
  • SeaMonkey L10n:
    Argentinian Spanish could be added as the 23rd language to SeaMonkey trunk.
  • Various Discussions:
    Tabmail, session (re)store, feed preview, release schedules, FOSDEM, SeaMonkey vision, toolbar customization, Vista theming, etc.

The FOSDEM weekend went well despite the cold I caught right before traveling there, my talk wasn't too well-attended but probably that had to do with the fact that it was at 9am after a Mozilla dinner the night before. There weren't many reactions to the new SeaMonkey vision, which I count as a sign that it's basically what most people expect of us. I got to know a number of new people, met again with a number of folks I've met a few times already, had some fun and some very interesting talks about Mozilla, SeaMonkey and a few other things. I hope the results of those talks will be visible in some way, and I'm looking forward to the next FOSDEM! :)

Von KaiRo, um 21:49 | Tags: FOSDEM, L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

7. Februar 2009

Brussels Is Not Whistler

So, if anyone wonders if a significant part of the Mozilla community has fallen into a black hole, I can assure you that hasn't happened. We're at FOSDEM in Brussels and contrary to the Mozilla Summit we had in Whistler last year, around here it's not the power failing and wifi and Internet still working, but the other way round: The power is on, the talks can go on as usual for the most part, but it took us until about 3pm today to get out to the Internet.
You know, this is just a free and open source developer meeting, not that anyone here would be dependent on the Internet, right? ;-)

Von KaiRo, um 15:56 | Tags: FOSDEM, Mozilla, Whistler | 3 Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

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