The roads I take...

KaiRo's weBlog

March 2007

Displaying entries published on 2007-03-03. Back to all recent entries

Popular tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Used languages: English, German


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March 3rd, 2007

...and one step further...

Hmm, bugs are common in software development, of course. Now comments should really work, after fixing a few glitches. And then, trackback RDF is injected into pages so that hopefully autodiscovery of other blogs can find the relevant data and send trackback pings. That is, if the code I wrote for accepting trackback pings actually works correctly. Gotta try that on my test machine with two blogs in this system once I also can send those pings. Good thing I can do autodiscovery and similar stuff through the background task system.

By KaiRo, at 22:54 | Tags: blog | no comments | TrackBack: 0

now let's see who reads that...

The system has grown one step further and allows comments now, reusing the same code I have for other boards and guestbooks.
I just hope someone will actually post comments to those entries... Actually, I'm not even sure anyone is reading this. But I guess I'll see over time if people are reading this blog or not.
Of course, people might probably like to hear about other stuff than this blogging system, perhaps SeaMonkey? Yes, some entries about will follow. And also some entries about Karaoke, Austrian politics or other topics, in both German and English. But probably only once this system starts working well enough.
Or do readers want to know more about some specific topic I actually can write about?

By KaiRo, at 01:49 | Tags: blog | no comments | TrackBack: 0

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