The roads I take...

KaiRo's weBlog

Juli 2007

Zeige Beiträge veröffentlicht am 09.07.2007 und auf Englisch an. Zurück zu allen aktuellen Beiträgen

Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


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9. Juli 2007

Break SeaMonkey at a pad near you!

For a long time, if you happened to encounter a crash on any Mozilla or Netscape release, the "Netscape Quality Feedback Agent" happened to pop up and you could send crash reports back to Mozilla. This agent was actually a license of the the proprietary "Fullcircle Talkback" product, which Netscape and later the Mozilla Foundation was allowed to use in a rebranded version, but only in their own products and without really changing the code.

Multiple problems came out of that, two being (in addition to the usual problems of products where you can't play with the source):
  1. Any build not made by the Mozilla Foundation can not use this tool, including SeaMonkey releases that are built on my private machines.
  2. The license prohibits anyone with access to the Talkback code to work on any similar tools, so most people who who wanted an open source tool as a replacement could not take part in developing one.
As our project got bigger, we finally found people who did want to work on this and didn't have Talkback source access, so they could start developing a replacement, and finally named this tool Breakpad (it's something like a pad to land safely on when the app breaks).

After Firefox has been using/testing the new framework for a while, SeaMonkey now has switched over Nightly builds from Talkback to Breakpad.
Starting with tomorrow, SeaMonkey nightlies should greet you with "Crash! Bang! Boom!" when it should crash, and you're able to send reports to the new servers Mozilla has for the new tool.
You can find the reported crashes and their info at

Von KaiRo, um 20:51 | Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

Specification for a "Dynamic UA Spoofing Mechanism"

Following my blog post about a UA propsal and the continuing discussion to make the SeaMonkey UA suck, I've created a specification document for the "Dynamic UA Spoofing Mechanism" I think is the only really useful solution to this situation.

It specifies both the client and server sides of the mechanism and can now be found on the Mozilla wiki under User:KaiRo:Dynamic_UA_Spoofing_Mechanism.

Von KaiRo, um 15:58 | Tags: bugbounty, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, UA String | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

Weekly Status Report, W27/2007

Ah, it's nice to have a quite normal work week again - and here goes the summary of my SeaMonkey work in week 27/2007 (July 2 - 8):
  • Releases:
    Fixed the 1.1.2 Windows stub installer and tested a new patch for tinderbox so that the problem shouldn't happen with 1.1.3 again.
  • xpfe cleanup:
    I started to look into that again, as everyone's at least "like Firefox" now, and can't logically depend on old xpfe any more.
    First, I killed old filepicker chrome after verifying that toolkit got all fixes from xpfe, and filed a bug on getting error console in sync as it still misses such fixes.
    Then, I filed a few more bugs on killing further parts of old xpfe.
    We're seem to be getting even to a point where we can kill xpfe/global and xpfe/communicator - but we're not completely there yet.
  • More cleanup:
    As I already was into all this cleanup, I decided I should try to remove xpfe/communicator from Thunderbird which mostly works, but we need some printUtil cleanup first. While looking into that, I saw thatthe old, unused Thunderbird chrome repackaging code was still around, and removed this.
    I also realized that digging into such stuff would be easier, if we wouldn't needlessly include some xpfe/components parts from and filed a bug and patch about this.
    Oh, and when looking into error console, I realized that SeaMonkey trunk was missing toolbar grippies there, which I fixed on the way.
    I also filed a bug on removing MRE_HOME from our code, as it should be useless nowadays.
  • Source L10n:
    On the way to build SeaMonkey locales from source, I realized we need some build logic for langpacks and repackaging of binaries, which I did a patch for, as well as moving searchplugins to locales.
  • German L10n sync:
    Not much happened here, but I created a new patch for the derived issue that security code is talking about "the browser".
  • Breakpad:
    We got the OK from Mozilla IT people to use the same socorro server as Firefox and Thunderbird, so I could add the server URL to application.ini, and then go the next step of uploading SeaMonkey symbols to the servers. This doesn't only mean that we should be able soon to actually enable breakpad, starting today, you should be able to point your Windows debugger to the symbol server for directly debugging our nightly builds!
    Additionally, I crashed a new nightly with breakpad successfully coming up and a crash report being generated with symbols and all, so watch out for breakpad replacing talkback in SeaMonkey nightlies very soon now!
  • Small fixes:
    After the popup rewrite, I fixed a small tooltip size issue by removing a now unneeded workaround (just ported from Firefox), and I removed a superfluous menupopup in mailnews that had been around for years but only got visible due to that rewrite.
  • Various discussions:
    Bugzilla reorganization; Firefox 3 UI: location bar, places/bookmarks/tagging, content handling (all of those could be interesting for SeaMonkey); Community tinderbox access, etc.

All in all, lots of good work is going on, though there are enough areas we still need lots of work in - I'm currently thinking of ways how we may be able to encourage a few people to attack those...

Von KaiRo, um 01:40 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

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