The roads I take...

KaiRo's weBlog

Dezember 2007

Zeige Beiträge veröffentlicht am 23.12.2007,auf Englisch und mit "Mozilla" gekennzeichnet an. Zurück zu allen aktuellen Beiträgen

Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


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23. Dezember 2007

Specifying codecs for the web

You might remember the recent blog post about codecs for <video> we saw on Planet Mozilla recently. I immediately informed my favorite online magazine about open source,, about this when I read it, as they and their readers usually are quite interested in anything involving open standards and patents.

A few days later, they ran an article called Specifying codecs for the web about this topic:

Audio and video content are increasingly important components of the World Wide Web, which some of us remember, initially, as a text-only experience. Users of free software need not be told that the multimedia aspect of the net can be hard to access without recourse to proprietary tools. So the decisions which are made regarding multimedia support in the next version of the HTML specification are of more than passing interest. A current dispute over the recommended codecs for HTML5 shows just how hard maintaining an interoperable web may be.

As it got public this week (the "weekly edition" is subscriber-only for 7 days), this should be also worth a read by anyone in the Mozilla community who is interested in the HTML5 <video> tag.

Von KaiRo, um 19:40 | Tags: codec, Mozilla, patents, video | 1 Kommentar | TrackBack: 0

Weekly Status Report, W51/2007

This week, a lot of work that was ongoing for some time could be completed - here's a short summary of my work in SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related areas I did in week 51/2007 (December 17 - 23):
  • Artwork:
    I could check in the transparent Modern toolbar icons for making toolbar customization look nicely enough with that theme, additionally we now have small and large versions of those primary browser buttons and can even display the print icon in fullscreen mode in Modern.
    Additionally, the "M" icon in Modern's component bar got replaced with a globe and the component bar and window menu icons are in PNG using image regions after I now have resolved this bug.
  • Automated Update System:
    For SeaMonkey 2, we want to use the same automatic update system (AUS) that people know from Firefox, and for the first Alpha, we'd like to have it working well enough that testers of that version can upgrade to the next version using this new function. I filed a bug on getting AUS to work with SeaMonkey and could even implement the first step for this, which is making tinderbox generate complete update packages and build the updater system itself into SeaMonkey. We still need server- and client-side work to fully use this, but some good ground work has been laid.
  • SeaMonkey Project Organization:
    The Council had some more internal discussion about its own structure and we finalized it, I'll post this to the SeaMonkey blog and project news as soon as I come around to it between or shortly after the holidays.
    We also defined some rough SeaMonkey 2 Alpha criteria, a posting about them will follow soon here on my blog.
  • Tinderbox Problems and more:
    The SeaMonkey Mac OS X has been missing for this whole week now, which means we've had no Mac nightlies since Monday. Unfortunately, the issue doesn't seem to be simple, the box does not boot and Mozilla IT folks are trying to re-setup the whole box. We hope they find time for that soon.
    As a note, I now have the necessary permissions to do changes to the SeaMonkey tinderbox waterfall pages, I'll look into updating their introduction messages when I come around to it.
  • Source L10n:
    The biggest work I did this week was on CVS-based ChatZilla language packs, which got a reality this week, after the roadblock of pulling all L10n files on tinderboxen was out of the way and enabled optional L10n directories. A few followup fixes could also go in this week, the only remaining item is some SeaMonkey installer work that depends on ChatZilla being an optional install though.
  • German L10n:
    German trunk was kept green, and was also the first locale to get both ChatZilla L10n and complete update packages for SeaMonkey (naturally, as I was doing the related en-US checkins and did pull German along, partly for testing purposes).
  • Various Discussions:
    Mac dmg design, projects list, AMO improvement plans, memory management improvements and regressions, Mozilla 2, FOSDEM 2008, etc.

I expect the upcoming week won't be really centered around work for most people in our community, just like for myself. I wish everyone in this community who celebrates that holiday a Merry Christmas, have fun, relax and enjoy some time with your family and/or other loved ones. To everyone not celebrating this holiday, please be patient if questions or other requests take longer than usual this week, most of us are gathering energy and building up strength this week to build an even better SeaMonkey and/or other Mozilla applications in the weeks and months to come.

Von KaiRo, um 18:33 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | 4 Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

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