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KaiRo's weBlog

Mai 2011

Zeige Beiträge veröffentlicht am 30.05.2011 und auf Englisch an. Zurück zu allen aktuellen Beiträgen

Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


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30. Mai 2011

Weekly Status Report, W21/2011

Here's a short summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 21/2011 (May 23 - 29, 2011):
  • Mozilla work / crash-stats:
    I filed a couple of bugs on plugins info in detailed crash reports and display what plugin crashed - I hope those will lead to helping us some day.
    As always, I continued to look into rising crashes with my experimental stats.
    Along with that, I had some planning talks with my team and manager, and I/we looked into the crash stats for the new Firefox beta channel builds. I hope they'll come around to be less crashy than Firefox 4 in the end when they get released.
    To fill the gap of not having stats for the different Beta builds specifically, I wrote up some scripts of my own to provide some preliminary analysis.
  • Firefox cleanup patches:
    My places library cleanup as well as search code and sidebar cleanup patches landed on mozilla-central after the uplift to Aurora, but they're at least in the Nightly builds now.
  • Data Manager:
    A small patch for resizing the window came along, which I promptly reviewed - thanks for the help there!
  • SeaMonkey Build & Release:
    I filed a bug to get featured search engines to work for SeaMonkey 2.1, and also looked into the bugs to get that category beefed up a bit and personas added on AMO for the 2.1 release.
    For the new release channels on the L10n dashboard, I did a small fix across central, aurora and beta so that could be set up correctly - and I reviewed the patch for getting buildbot run the new channels, Callek is doing good work there.
    On the 2.1 release, I helped a bit in investigating a problem we saw with build 1 for RC2, I hope we can sort those problems out soon (mostly with L10n repacks and updates messing up optional extensions on Windows). In addition, I gathered some more data for potential b2->final updates for languages that didn't ship in b3.
  • SeaMonkey L10n:
    I continued to look into sign-offs for 2.1 as long as RC2 isn't shipped, so we can ship the newest work localizers have there.
  • Various Discussions/Topics:
    JS PGO and crashes, 5.0b2 data, SeaMonkey preparing for jump onto moving trains, JS debugger future, nightly->aurora uplift, build/test turnaround speeds, go/no-go-decisions, web application runtimes and memory usage, MeeGo N900 DE becoming somewhat usable, etc.

Builds are coming along nicely, even though SeaMonkey 2.1 hit a snag with those update and repack problems we caught in release verifications. As Callek's time is short and mine even shorter, we couldn't fully address the issues yet, but he has potential patches for most of the problems and should spin further builds soon, hopefully 2.1 will actually happen then.
Meanwhile, builds against aurora and beta branches are being generated for SeaMonkey as well, though no daily or beta builds from those are available yet. Those will come once 2.1 has been dealt with.
For Firefox, while new Aurora builds haven't been in the wild this week yet and we'll only see crash stats for them the just-started week, we had some interesting analysis of the first real Beta channel builds already, and their crash rate isn't yet where we want it, but we got some interesting analysis out of them to work on improvements. I hope those will work out and we'll see Firefox 5 beat the stability of 4 in the end. :)

Von KaiRo, um 21:47 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

Weekly Status Report, W20/2011

Here's a short summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 20/2011 (May 16 - 22, 2011):
  • Mozilla work / crash-stats:
    With the beta channel now going live, we need better handling of stats per build in Socorro, so I tried to get topcrasher and crashes per user reports that respect this into focus. Until Socorro has solutions for those, we'll need to care to have some intermediate solutions to get our info.
    I continued to look into rising crashes using my experimental reports, when I wondered if we should look into mobile as well, I realized that Fennec reports are not in CSVs, which should be changed.
  • SeaMonkey Build System, Releases:
    Helped getting bouncer ready for 2.1 RC2 and final, took a look at the errors we've seen in the RC2 build process and filed some AMO bugs to make it ready for the release.
  • Firefox cleanup patches:
    I updated my patches for places library cleanup, search code and sidebar cleanup, as well as searchbar and engine manager improvements for Firefox, hoping they finally can get reviews and land soon. Same for the patch to make removed-files locale-aware.
  • SeaMonkey L10n:
    Once again I did more sign-offs for 2.1, so RC2 will be able to ship with even newer and more locales than RC1 did.
  • German L10n:
    I updated trunk for SeaMonkey strings that changed, so that any uplifts to aurora or beta can be done more easily and be localized.
  • Various Discussions/Topics:
    SeaMonkey and release "trains", SeaMonkey versioning, "Nugzilla" event, tree rules, view source future, web application runtimes and memory usage, MeeGo N900 DE testing, etc.

Sorry, this update goes public very late - I had started it early last week but dragged it along all until today, where the next one is due. Still, I hope to get that other one still out very soon now and then be up to date again. ;-)

Von KaiRo, um 20:39 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

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