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9. November 2008
Is There A Better Way To Promote What We Are?
Gary Kwong posted an interview with Mark Surman on the Rumbling Edge - now available as HTML5 <video> in Ogg Theora format!
Is there any better way to promote what Mozilla is about than to have an interview with the Mozilla Foundation Executive Director available in a truly open media format with plugin-less playing in browsers supporting the HTML5-standardized <video> element (like Firefox 3.1 or SeaMonkey 2)?
Is there any better way to promote what Mozilla is about than to have an interview with the Mozilla Foundation Executive Director available in a truly open media format with plugin-less playing in browsers supporting the HTML5-standardized <video> element (like Firefox 3.1 or SeaMonkey 2)?
Von KaiRo, um 17:07 | Tags: Mozilla, Mozilla Foundation, video | 1 Kommentar | TrackBack: 0