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9. Februar 2012
Weekly Status Report, W05/2012
Here's a short summary of Mozilla-related work I've done in week 05/2012 (January 30 - February 5, 2012):
As a long-time localizer, it did hurt me quite a lot that the plugin crash UI backout needed to be done on trees where it affected the string freezes. I wrote down the story of that in a comment on flod's blog. It's quite interesting how things look when you are standing on the other side of this. And we are only starting to get used to the finer details of rapid release, like for example those backouts of code that might cause string freeze breaches. We hope it's a rare thing that we need to do this, and I really hope we'll find stuff like this earlier in the future. Still, sometimes we probably need to do something like this, and we learned a few things from this experience. Let's hope we'll never get too used to this, though.
- Mozilla work / crash-stats:
Once we backed out the new plugin crash UI to get back missing plugin crash/hang reports in Firefox 10, we found a plugin hang regression in 11, which I filed.
I kept track of Socorro 2.4.1 landing on production and filed a bug on reprocessing Java crashes.
Did my first Socorro patch to force correlation reports for in-development versions! This also gave me a good chance to try how the GitHub process works.
Investigated adapter data on graphics crashes.
I stayed in contact with Laura on showing Java stack traces in crash reports.
Continued watching new/rising crashes, caring that bugs are filed where needed. - FOSDEM:
I spent this weekend in Brussels for FOSDEM 2012, including a talk I held in the Mozilla Devroom on CSI:Mozilla - Crash Scene Investigations. It was a lot of fun, interesting conversations and presentations, about Mozilla and other FLOSS projects. Also, on Friday, I could sit with a few fellow Mozillians in a meeting area at the hotel, and I enjoyed every minute of that - it was great to for a change not sit alone when doing Mozilla stuff. - Various Discussions/Topics:
Settling the Fennec UA and changing the Gecko token of the Firefox UA, ESR, B2G/Gaia and L20n, etc.
As a long-time localizer, it did hurt me quite a lot that the plugin crash UI backout needed to be done on trees where it affected the string freezes. I wrote down the story of that in a comment on flod's blog. It's quite interesting how things look when you are standing on the other side of this. And we are only starting to get used to the finer details of rapid release, like for example those backouts of code that might cause string freeze breaches. We hope it's a rare thing that we need to do this, and I really hope we'll find stuff like this earlier in the future. Still, sometimes we probably need to do something like this, and we learned a few things from this experience. Let's hope we'll never get too used to this, though.
Von KaiRo, um 02:02 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | 1 Kommentar | TrackBack: 0