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What Places Have You Bookmarked?




What Places Have You Bookmarked?

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14.03.2010 22:12


Thanks for doing this! Live bookmarks and smart folders will be welcome additions.

I'll shed many a tear over the loss of groupmarks, though. They're one of the primary reasons for me to prefer SeaMonkey over Firefox, and I'm already dreading the long learning curve of unlearning left-clicking them. What are the chances of getting them back in a second phase?
15.03.2010 08:16


vote against becoming a mandatory feature in 2.1
with replacing bookmarks.html by a places database we loose the option to share bookmarks.html between different installation on the same computer or at different computer (including different OSes).
Even it may be possible to synchronise places database between different Seamonkey 2.1 installation by copying the file, older installations like SM 1.1.18 looses as they support only bookmarks.html.

Why I'm still using SM 1.1.18 ? Simply because SM 2.0 does occasionally crash - in effect significantly more often than SM 1.1.18 - and printing behaves differently in SM1.1.18 and SM 2.0 - one time it works better in SM 1.1.18 and the other time in SM 2.0.
15.03.2010 09:10

Neil Rashbrook

aus Stevenage

Bookmark query virtual folders
This used to work in the Mozilla suite, although it didn't work on trunk when I tried it just now. I don't know when it broke :-(
15.03.2010 10:38

Adrian Kalla

aus Germany

Great work!
Great work KaiRo!

I'm really happy to see this working in SeaMonkey, as I'm using Weave to sync my setting across multiple computers and operating systems - and I love live bookmarks :)

Thank you Robert for the hard work!
16.03.2010 15:46


aus New York City

Places support in SeaMonkey
I'm pleased to see this coming to SeaMonkey, since it's established in Firefox, and I appreciate the list of things that can be done in Places but not in the older code.

I do have one wish list item which got rejected by the Firefox devs. I have multiple Mozilla products installed, and multiple profiles, customized for different purposes. For the most part, I want to use the same bookmarks file in every profile.

In Firefox 2.X and SeaMonkey, this was simple: there was a preference that could be set to specify what bookmarks file to use, and a one line user.js file in each profile setting the preference and pointing at the desired file did the trick. I could use one bookmarks file, make adds/changes/deletions, and not worry about things getting out of sync.

FF 3 removed that preference, and to get the same functionality, I had to drop to the OS and create hard links (in Windows XP) or symlinks (in Linux) to accomplish it.

Any chance of being able to tell SeaMonkey "Use this Places file", instead of being locked into the one that appears on the Profile directory? It would be nice to be able to do this within Mozilla instead of having to drop to the OS.

(What I do now in Firefox is auto-export my bookmarks to HTML each usage. Fortunately, I can specify where to place the exported file, so I point at the master bookmarks.html file still used by FF 2 and SeaMonkey. That way, SeaMonkey and older browsers are all looking at my current set. It's not two way, and the changes don't get imported back to FF 3 if I make any in another browser, but I don't care. It happens to seldom to be a concern.)
25.03.2010 04:39



This is functionality that the backend provides, and I don't think we can fiddle much with that, though we could look at it and try to see if the auto-export could be switched to such a thing.
What we will recommend to people though is to use Weave Sync to sync data across different installations, be it at the same of different computers.
25.03.2010 16:51

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