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What Should crash-stats Do For You?




What Should crash-stats Do For You?

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28.02.2011 20:57


extension stats
Of course *all* of my crashes involve Firebug. The number one question I have when I visit crash-stats site is: How many other users who have this crash also running Firebug? If the answer is 95%, then I better spend some time on it because no one else will. If the answer is 5%, I'm having lunch.
02.03.2011 06:40

Smokey Ardisson

John, if the crash is common enough, the Correlation tab will have correlation reports, and you can look at the Add-ons correlations to see if Firebug is often present when that crash happens.
02.03.2011 21:16

Jeff Muizelaar

It would be nice if it was possible to get more summary information about a crash.
For example: What build ids does this crash all occur with? What operating system versions does this all occur with? etc.
02.03.2011 22:15

Josh Matthews

I, like Jeff, would appreciate summaries of the data available - most recent 10 unique build ids, list of unique OS versions, range of uptimes, etc. I would also be really interested in data about spikes - seeing a graph of the number of crashes for a particular signature over time would be useful to track trends.
04.03.2011 02:20


Correlations info not useful
Regarding the point about "correlations" page, I've never found that info to be useful, sorry. I have looked at it, but I don't recall every finding something useful.
10.03.2011 18:59


How far we are actually from separate threads for Windows or even tabs?
I know that this is a target for Firefox/Mozilla in general.
But I don't follow their development, only your blog.
It should help if only the crashing part needs to be reloaded afterwards.

11.03.2011 01:17

Delfin Rojas

Getting crash reports to include my extension
If the crash happens inside my extension I would like to view the source line. Is there a way to upload my symbols to Mozilla so the crash reports include my source, or to download raw crash dumps from crash-stats so I can process them myself with my extension symbols available?
29.03.2011 00:28



Delfin: Bug 419879 tracks the ability to upload your own symbols, thanks for the comment!

All others: I have put all feedback I got up on a wiki page, we'll keep all those in mind when talking priorities for the team, thanks for your input!
31.03.2011 01:00

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