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[quote="Ricardo Palomares"]I'm not going to give you any advice; a nice bunch of good ones have been given already before. But I want to tell you an anecdote about you. ;-) Three days before last FOSDEM, I filed a bug for ChatZilla and Venkman to be added to compare-locales in es-ES. When we met at FOSDEM, you apologized for not having worked on the bug. Maybe you remember that I insisted in that there was no problem at all, but you almost felt guilty about it, and you hurried up the next day after returning from FOSDEM to have it fixed. Really, you stressed yourself in a completely unneeded way. In normal conditions I wouldn't ping a bug in less than a week (except if a deadline was due, which of course was not the case), but you were giving a presentation at FOSDEM!! Even if I had filed the bug a three weeks before your presentation, I wouldn't have dared to bore you with trivial issues. In the end, that's why BugZilla is, to let people prioritize without risking losing tasks, isn't it? :-) I sometimes feel similar (I also live alone, do housework myself, no couple, no big hobbies besides spending time in front of the computer), though I don't spend so many hours in Mozilla-related tasks (maybe that's the reason why I don't move forward with the MT replacement). I guess when you talk about "failure in relationships" you refer to sentimental relationships, not being rough in e-mail or face-to-face dealing. But in case you are talking also about this, I couldn't disagree more. I'm happy to say that I've got to meet excellent people thanks to Mozilla and, especially, FOSDEM, and I can only confirm you are a great person. So, walk, go jogging, go to the movies, do martial arts (this can prove to be helpful for next FOSDEM!), :-) or ride a bicycle like I do. Get some time off the computer, after all, it is just an appliance. Ricardo[/quote]
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