The roads I take...

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29. April 2009

More Photos From Travels and Events

Image No. 21118 Image No. 21146 Image No. 21069 Image No. 21088

Originally, I only wanted to get a few photos up fast but that ended up taking me a few hours today, esp. in adding photo descriptions, and then some OpenStreetMap updates regarding the places I've been...

Image No. 21144 Image No. 21059 Image No. 21066 Image No. 21081 Image No. 21092

In any case, I finally found the time and made selections of photos of a number of travels and events to put online (I only post selections because I often have hundreds of photos of those travels and it can probably get rather boring to view them all - but then, it takes some time to select and put up photo descriptions).

Image No. 21106 Image No. 21110 Image No. 21124 Image No. 21173

As most of those events are somehow related to Mozilla, you might be interested in some parts of them, even though the parts about conferences are usually rather small, I tend to chat more there than take photos, after all. Though, you might just like all the other pics as well...

Image No. 21159 Image No. 21160 Image No. 21182 Image No. 21197 Image No. 21248

Those galleries are newly available now:
Image No. 21243 Image No. 21292 Image No. 21229 Image No. 21387

This list totals 337 photos, all with tags and descriptions. :)
(Even though this still misses MAOW Berlin 2009, from which I haven't made a selection yet, I hope I come around to that soon.)

Image No. 21269 Image No. 21225 Image No. 21312 Image No. 21365 Image No. 21384

Von KaiRo, um 23:52 | Tags: Canada, FOSDEM, Fotos, lift09, moz08, Mozilla, photos, travel, USA, WA, Whistler | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

7. Februar 2009

Brussels Is Not Whistler

So, if anyone wonders if a significant part of the Mozilla community has fallen into a black hole, I can assure you that hasn't happened. We're at FOSDEM in Brussels and contrary to the Mozilla Summit we had in Whistler last year, around here it's not the power failing and wifi and Internet still working, but the other way round: The power is on, the talks can go on as usual for the most part, but it took us until about 3pm today to get out to the Internet.
You know, this is just a free and open source developer meeting, not that anyone here would be dependent on the Internet, right? ;-)

Von KaiRo, um 15:56 | Tags: FOSDEM, Mozilla, Whistler | 3 Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

1. August 2008

We're Not Dead! Yet.

So, apparently, a laundry trunk crashed into the hotel's power transformator and that's why I needed to shower almost in the dark, after getting the message yesterday that a rockslide causes our trip to Vancouver being about 5 hours longer than expected.
When I had showered, I turned on my N810 though and it promptly connected to wifi (which was running on emergency power apparently), so I knew we were still alive. Losing wifi probably would have been much more fatal to this community than losing power in the rooms. ;-)

Let's just see what happens tonight when we have dinner on the top of the mountain and tomorrow when we're traveling the long route back - right through a place called "Hell's Gate"...

Von KaiRo, um 02:08 | Tags: moz08, Mozilla, Whistler | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 0

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