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Populäre Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey, L10n, Status, Firefox

Verwendete Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch


Juli 2023

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20. November 2007

Direct your MoFo donation to SeaMonkey!

Frank Hecker, Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation (MoFo), just announced a "directed giving" program that allows you to designate your donation to specific projects in the Mozilla space, one of them being SeaMonkey.

David Boswell, known from and working at MoFo, has worked with the Foundation's board, us and other projects to get this program up and running for a while now, and it's a really great thing for all participants, I think - the Foundation, our projects and also all donators who want to support certain projects.

When you go to the new SeaMonkey donation page (to be linked from main project pages soon), you can make your donation to the Mozilla Foundation be directed specifically to the SeaMonkey project. As Frank states, the plan is to "take note of your choice, and keep track of how much money has been designated for each project. We'll then work with the people responsible for each project and come up with some worthy project-related initiatives for the Mozilla Foundation to fund using those designated donations."
The Donation FAQ has more info on the donation program as a whole.

And even better: The Foundation will triple every donation you make via this program until the end of the year! See Frank's post for more details on that.

We hope there will be a significant amount over time noted to be directed to SeaMonkey, so we can work out interested uses for it with the Foundation.
Thanks to David and Frank for making this great program a reality!

Von KaiRo, um 20:21 | Tags: donation, Mozilla, SeaMonkey | keine Kommentare | TrackBack: 1

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