<< Weekly Status Report, W21/2007 | The roads I take... | Integration eines Magento-2-Webshops mit FreeFinance und selbstgebautem Warenmanagement >>

Toolkit is so... suite ;-)

It's done.

Or at least I hope so. I have just landed bug 328887 alias "suiterunner", regular SeaMonkey trunk is now built on top of the new toolkit. The first MoFo tinderboxen are currently doing their first cycle of suiterunner builds, and I hope they stay green and tomorrow's nightlies will end up being suiterunner builds.

Thanks Mark for the big load of work you did to get here, thanks Frank for your work on Windows installer, thanks Neil for your uncounted reviews, super-reviews and other work on the road to here, and thanks anyone else who invested lots of time and work into this project.

This is no finish line we're crossing though, it's only the start into the new world of SeaMonkey 2 - and we still have a lot to do in front of us: cleaning of stuff we left behind (mainly in xpfe) and which is now unused, moving over to parts of toolkit we still have excluded right now (download manager backend, places [history], satchel and passwordmanager, to name some) - and, of course, adding new features to premiere in this SeaMonkey release, as well as many other things like cleaning all those rough edges we still have right now.

A big step into this brave new world has been done, and I hope all previous helping hands as well as a few new ones will stay with us on this way we are going and will work on making this suite an even better product than it already is.

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on May 29th, 2007 19:13 | Tags: Mozilla, SeaMonkey | 6 comments


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    Read the most recent news at:



    I'm helping to manage that site now.
    2007-05-30 05:51


    from France

    1.5 Branch
    Will 1.5 branch will still be maintained or built ?
    (Because I need some extensions which don't work with the new toolkit..)
    2007-05-30 15:41


    from Paris, France

    Congratulations to the SeaMonkey team for this very significant milestone! You guys rock!
    2007-05-30 16:29



    1.5 (xpfe trunk) was never intended to make it into any release, it was just there to have a version number for the doomed release until the toolkit-based suite was ready to take over.
    2007-05-31 02:57

    Raj Bhaskar

    Is it worth posting a news item to MozillaZine about SuiteRunner going live on the trunk?
    2007-05-31 16:52



    I don't see why a Mozillazine article about that would make sense. Those developers and testers that need to know about it read blogs and newsgroups anyways, and normal users won't need to care about it for at least another 6 months.
    2007-05-31 23:34

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