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Weekly Status Report, W29/2007
Another week fully loaded with work is behind us, even though I managed to take a full day off this weekend
Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I did in week 29/2007 (July 16 - 22):
As I got so good results with openSUSE FACTORY on my laptop, I also upgraded my main machine to it, and it almost feels more stable than openSUSE 10.2, even though it still is in an Alpha mode. Probably some of the newly found stability comes from opening my computer case though, as in a closed state the video card was too poorly cooled (it uses passive cooling by utilizing the air flow from the CPU fan), which was the reason for a few graphics hangs lately when we had that tropical air blown up from Africa right here to Central Europe.
The 2.6.22 kernel provides me with CPU core temperatures from the coretemp module, which I like anyways, and the rest of the system feels much more mature than expected and works really well. I'm sure openSUSE 10.3 will be a great distro to work on and I'm looking forward to also using it on my servers when it goes final
- Releases:
Firefox has been released even two days before it had been pre-scheduled. This increased the pressure on us to release SeaMonkey 1.1.3 pretty fast. It also let them slip in a mac scrolling bug that doesn't look good, due to us releasing 2 days later we could sneak in the fix for this.
A Firefox may follow fast with another security fix and this mac scrolling patch, depending on how grave the security fix sounds for SeaMonkey users, we might skip this one and sync SeaMonkey 1.1.4 with a Firefox which should follow in roughly 6 weeks in a normal schedule.
With SeaMonkey 1.1.3, we could demonstrate how healthy our community is, as we could spin and QA builds (on all 3 major platforms) for this release within only a few days. Thanks to everyone who did help with that! - Cleanup of Old xpfe Code:
I did remove xpinstall/wizard from cvs this week, finishing that parts I intended to kill of the xpinstall/ directory. Interestingly, some code from there was still built, even in Firefox, though it hadn't been in use for a while. Because of that, I could even reduce codesize with that removal of old code.
Some major work has been completed, I'll look into what can be done in other directories sson. - Tinderbox work:
The sea-win32-tbox Nightly build tinderbox should be fixed now. I logged in myself and couldn't see the problems that coop encountered when logging in himself. I then found that we just didn't pick up the startup test HTML being a .lnk file and copied that actual HTML there, which worked.
Thanks for community access to those tinderboxen, it seems to have not only caused, but also solved this problem
I also watched the phlox box on SeaMonkey-Ports closely, and realized I needed to increase the timeout a lot so that the Tdhtml test would run again. Apparently it regressed a lot and I filed a bug on this.
Also on phlox, which also acts as nightly and build machine for the 1.8 branch, I could track down the regression range and the probable fault of SeaMonkey 1.1.3 showing chrome errors when launched directly for the disk image - not sure if we will ever be able to fix this on the branch though. - Source L10n:
I checked in the patch for langpacks and L10n repackaging, now we need to get boxes that use this code - and then we should get near to supporting source L10n, only a few code parts don't support it yet. - German L10n:
I could check in the netwerk patch and did another checkin to suite L10n following the outcome of the discussions about common strategies for German L10n. - (Undisclosed Project):
I again spent some time on a SeaMonkey-related business activity that should be disclosed soon. - MoFo ED Search Commitee:
Now it's official: As Mitchell points out in her blog, I'm one of 6 people in the Mozilla Foundation Executive Director Search Committee. I hope that this team can help to find someone who can work for the as much of this large community as possible. It won't be an easy job to find such a person, and it won't happen somewhere in the dark. From what I hear (and I support this), we'll try to do many steps of this process in the open, accessible to the whole community, though not everything can be done in this manner. I think the 6 of us are a good representation of interests in this community and we'll do our work to serve this as good as possible. - Various Discussions:
Some more touches on the Bugzilla reorganization,Firefox 3 location bar, moving from wallet to satchel/pwdmgr, prefwindow work, Lightning integration, etc.
As I got so good results with openSUSE FACTORY on my laptop, I also upgraded my main machine to it, and it almost feels more stable than openSUSE 10.2, even though it still is in an Alpha mode. Probably some of the newly found stability comes from opening my computer case though, as in a closed state the video card was too poorly cooled (it uses passive cooling by utilizing the air flow from the CPU fan), which was the reason for a few graphics hangs lately when we had that tropical air blown up from Africa right here to Central Europe.
The 2.6.22 kernel provides me with CPU core temperatures from the coretemp module, which I like anyways, and the rest of the system feels much more mature than expected and works really well. I'm sure openSUSE 10.3 will be a great distro to work on and I'm looking forward to also using it on my servers when it goes final
Beitrag geschrieben von KaiRo und gepostet am 23. Juli 2007 17:45 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack
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