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Weekly Status Report, W33/2007

This status update is rather short, as I said previously, I spent Monday to Wednesday at home and mostly away from computers (see IRL://at/home/ ;-) ).
Additionally, I worked a bit on my web CMS/community system, automatically creating web-based documentation from source code comments - I hope that'll make further development work easier. :)

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related items I still did come around to work on in week 33/2007 (August 13 - 19):

In other news, I did finally find the time to request a new passport and should get it this week, so that I'll even be able to travel to the US again. I hope I can visit the Mozilla headquarters at Mountain View some time in the near future. :)

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on August 20th, 2007 20:12 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | no comments | TrackBack


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