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Weekly Status Report, W38/2007
Here goes a summary of another work-intense period, to be more exact, of the SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related items I worked on in week 38/2007 (September 17 - 23):

- Old Files Cleanup:
This was another great week for cleaning up files that were abandoned or moved elsewhere. The themes move is now completed and only the classic/global files and a contents.rdf still used by Camino are left over in mozilla/themes. I also removed the old help viewer - and Mark Banner could remove the old bookmarks and search components from xpfe, they have been move to suite/ and cleaned up a bit (he's even working on more things of that sort currently). - Source L10n:
I did come around to figure out a first WIP patch for CVS-based ChatZilla language packs, which will also be the base for the localized versions of ChatZilla via the repackaging scripts. I had a few fights with Makefile syntax, but it seems to work out nicely, though a few things still need to be figured out. - German L10n:
The DOM sync is in now, as well as two other toolkit updates, and finally we got green trunk trees for German!
I also kept suite in sync with the page info update and could make the experimental German SeaMonkey repackaging tinderbox go green, which is a first in SeaMonkey L10n history. I hope to get in a tinderbox update that could enable us to set up SeaMonkey trunk tinderboxen for L10n repackaging generally. - SeaMonkey start page:
The new SeaMonkey default home page (or "start page") is online now - I invested some work again in fixing the last few issues before the switch and doing one or two slight fixes afterwards, but all in all this change seems to have worked smoothly. - KaiRo.at Bug Bounty Program / Page Info:
The rework of the SeaMonkey page info dialog has landed in trunk builds, as you might have read - and that also means that the first item of the KaiRo.at Bug Bounty Program list has been completed!
KaiRo.at was more than happy to pay this bounty for a nice improvement in the SeaMonkey 2 user experience. - Various Discussions:
Community tinderboxen, login manager, community giving, leak finding, libxul, profile switching, MailCo, 1.1.5 planning, URLbar autocomplete, etc.
Beitrag geschrieben von KaiRo und gepostet am 24. September 2007 21:39 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | keine Kommentare | TrackBack
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