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Weekly Status Report, W51/2007

This week, a lot of work that was ongoing for some time could be completed - here's a short summary of my work in SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related areas I did in week 51/2007 (December 17 - 23):

I expect the upcoming week won't be really centered around work for most people in our community, just like for myself. I wish everyone in this community who celebrates that holiday a Merry Christmas, have fun, relax and enjoy some time with your family and/or other loved ones. To everyone not celebrating this holiday, please be patient if questions or other requests take longer than usual this week, most of us are gathering energy and building up strength this week to build an even better SeaMonkey and/or other Mozilla applications in the weeks and months to come.

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on December 23rd, 2007 18:33 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | 4 comments | TrackBack




Looks like you left out a trailing zero in the Seamonkey+AUS bug URL:
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40819 vs
2007-12-23 22:28



Quote of kmike:
Looks like you left out a trailing zero in the Seamonkey+AUS bug

Thanks, corrected.
2007-12-24 12:43


from Brasil - Rio de Janeiro

Frohe Weihnachten !

Or, in my language: Feliz Natal !
2007-12-24 18:45


For some reason my last comment hasn't appeared, so I'm repeating it:

Thanks for your excellent work on the Seamonkey project!

Merry Christmas!
2007-12-25 09:11

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