Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 13/2008 (March 24 - 30, 2008):
- SeaMonkey 1.1.9 Release:
We did a quite smooth 1.1.9 release this week, keeping the stable 1.1.x series in sync with security updates to the Gecko and platform core.
Contributed builds were added throughout the week, and more are still coming along. - Preference Panels Work:
The patch for prefs regarding website icons for bookmarks should be near to being ready for checkin.
The advanced pref panel still lacks a decision regarding keeping or dropping the OJI JVM selection code. - Jemalloc for Windows:
I did some work to enable jemalloc on Windows nightlies, which should now be resolved. This makes us use memory more efficiently - and we even saw startup times in the tinderbox tests decrease by about 13% (~830ms to ~720ms), so I'd expect current trunk nightlies on Windows to be quite performant! - German L10n:
Some updates to ongoing work, mostly in mailnews. - Various Discussions:
California traveling, help viewer, GTK "dropmarker" arrows, account manager accesskeys, Add-on manager charset problems, more pref migration, bug triage, etc.
This is the last full-week report for a bit - even that week was shortened by taking some time off for my mum's 50th birthday, week 14 has my flying to California on Saturday, taking preparation into consideration I don't expect this to be a hard working week. Of course, the following two weeks won't see me a lot in front of my computer as well, I'm not even sure yet if writing up such status updates for those makes sense. In about three weeks I should be working my backlog and slowly returning to normal work - hopefully with recharged energy reserves.