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What Should I Talk About in 2009?

As many of you probably know FOSDEM is up once again in February 2009, once again with a Mozilla developer room. I'm planning on being there and probably also to give a talk, but I don't have a good topic for it yet, and I wonder what the audience would most be interested in. What SeaMonkey 2 brings functionality-wise? What our concepts for the future of SeaMonkey are? How the SeaMonkey project is working together with other parts of the community? Statistics on SeaMonkey popularity and usage?

Additionally, I have received a first call for papers (CfP) for the "Linuxwochen 2009" event here in Vienna, which will be in April. There's even more time for planning something there, the deadline for that CfP is in February, but I'm thinking hard about possibly giving a talk there this time, which would be my first time doing this at an event around here. The talk could be 45, 20, or 10 minutes, and I'm also wondering what the more general audience there would be most interested in. SeaMonkey 2 functionality? What the SeaMonkey project is? Organizing and coordinating a volunteer open source project? The Mozilla vision? The wonderful choice of different products from Mozilla? Mozilla-based software development?
What I'm pretty sure I won't be doing is Firefox tricks or such, I'll leave that to people using that browser in their daily lives - though it would be really nice to have someone from Mozilla at this event, as we've never been present at an Austrian event before.

Any ideas for those talks from you, dear blog/planet reader, would be highly appreciated!

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on November 20th, 2008 15:17 | Tags: FOSDEM, Linuxwochen, Mozilla, presentation, SeaMonkey, talks | 1 comment


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    Jens Hatlak

    from Frankfurt, Germany

    Topic suggestions
    FOSDEM: The Mozilla Cooperation (cross-project teamwork) sounds most interesting to me. Probably goes well with talking about the future of the project and even allows to show some recently added features like MailNews feed support that uses a backend shared with Thunderbird or video support in the browser which we got for free thanks to Gecko.

    Linuxwochen: I'd go with either Organizing and Coordinating a Volunteer Open Source Project or The Mozilla Application Universe and Vision.
    2008-11-20 20:01

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