Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 13/2009 (March 23 - 29, 2009):
- Release Management:
Ongoing uploads of contributed builds for various platforms and languages. - Automated tests:
I did some more work on the ported plain mochitests and browser-chrome tests for the browser part of SeaMonkey, but still a bit more is needed to land them.
Somewhat more unfortunate, we saw all test slaves for SeaMonkey trunk go orange and red this week, all with different reasons now. The Linux orange is goelocation mochitest failures that are somewhat understood (and probably happening on all platforms). The Mac box fails mochitests because the xpcshell http server for serving the tests just doesn't come up for unclear reasons. The Windows red is the test_reviver.js JSON test crashing without us having any clue why that could be.
All those failures make me really unhappy, it somehow looks like there's not really anyone who cares about them failing or not - except Serge, who usually also files bug reports on them. Unfortunately, fixing them is even more rare. And in the most recent cases, finding out what's up feels like chasing ghosts. 
- Build System:
The NO_JAR_AUTO_REG cleanup I did when finding it being obsolete when investigating my build system MAOW talk did get review and could be checked in. - MAOW Berlin:
I spent the weekend in Berlin at the Mozilla Add-Ons Workshop, and held talks on the build system and SeaMonkey 2 extension (both in German). During the week, I spent a significant amount of time getting those slides ready for that event. - SeaMonkey L10n:
I added Polish to ChatZilla this week, as Adrian has found the time to localize that large chunk of strings - Thanks! - Various Discussions:
Modern theme updates, GSoC applications, toolbar context menu, redesign proposals, mailnews and external linkage, mailnews disentanglement, security firedrill, security group membership, in-code and MDC documentation relationships, etc.
I'm delighted that the
Mozilla Europe Community Tour makes stops in my home town of Steyr (April 5) and then in Vienna (April 6+7) very soon. If anyone wants to join us there for some talk and fun, please contact us!
In other news concerning Austria/Vienna and Mozilla, my talk at
Linuxwochen Wien was approved! On Saturday, April 18th, I'll talk about "The Open Internet and Mozilla" on one of the largest open source events in the region, try to spread the word about the overall Mozilla mission surrounding the open Internet and encourage the people there to help us drive this vision forward!