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Weekly Status Report, W21/2009

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 21/2009 (May 18 - 24, 2009):

We are fighting Parallels problems for our new buildbots still even though we're avoiding the more-than-8-VMs networking issue for the moment. I'll keep the SeaMonkey-Ports waterfall page updated with the open issues.
That said, the machines are producing and uploading nightly builds for Linux i686, Mac OS X, Windows and the somewhat unofficial Linux x86_64, as well as localized builds for all languages that build successfully on the three official platforms.

In other news, the download manager switch is getting pretty hot, as of today I have positive reviews even on the progress dialogs/windows, and the main switch patch is shaping up nicely now that Frank ("mcsmurf") took over driving it from Justin ("Callek") who is temporarily unavailable. We'll likely land all the reviewed changes in one push, which is now likely to contain 5 patches from 3 bugs and a combined diff set of 63 files changed, 5850 insertions and 660 deletions, according to diffstat output on the not-yet-completely-finished patch set I have in my Mercurial queue right now. I hope this will happen soon, it surely will be a significant change that brings us one giant leap nearer to a SeaMonkey 2 release.

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on May 26th, 2009 21:15 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | no comments | TrackBack


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