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Changes to SeaMonkey nightlies and tinderbox waterfalls

As discussed and decided in the last SeaMonkey Status Meeting, I've started to move SeaMonkey to the new buildbot configurations that have been in the testing phase for a while now and will open the possibilities for doing builds based on mozilla-central soon.

The following changes are made that you should be aware of:

Phase I (done yesterday, first nightlies from today):
Phase II (once bugs 502031 and 502033 are solved):
Phase III (once bug 493321 is solved):
I hope this whole transition works well for everybody. It was a bumpy ride and a good amount of work to get this all up, but it largely reduced the amount of maintenance needed and makes us share more buildbot code with Firefox and Thunderbird already now and even more once this all is completed.

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on July 3rd, 2009 15:32 | Tags: build, buildbot, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, tinderbox | no comments


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