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Weekly Status Report, W41/2009

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 41/2009 (September 28 - October 4, 2009):

I'm sorry my status updates are not coming as early as they should come, I had a few things to do this weekend including Monday, e.g. moving the SeaMonkey 1.x tinderboxes to a new location - and trying to recover from a cold.

In any case, things look very good when looking at RC1 feedback, no major issues reported, a few more smaller bugs have been fixed though - we are at 154 fixed-seamonkey2.0 bugs now, which is a very impressive number since the second beta and which also includes a number of fixes since RC1 already. We currently have no reported blockers and no requests for blocking, so we look to be ready to go for a RC2 which is as much ready to be the final 2.0 as we know yet (we're just waiting for a "go" on a new build of the platform right now). Of course, only good testing will show if it can hold up and really go golden roughly a week after it's being published to testers as an RC.

Let's hope that nothing bad comes up and it can step in front of the curtain as the real thing later this month!

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on October 15th, 2009 00:00 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | 7 comments | TrackBack




the 2nd bugzilla link is invalid: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5212992
2009-10-16 02:15



Thanks, I fixed the bad link now.
2009-10-16 03:16


Can you please announce the upcoming SeaMonkey 2.0 release to all extension developers, specially CS Lite and IETab/Coral IETab to give support for this precious browser ?

NoScript and AdBlock Plus do work, but i've tried to contat Ron Beckman and i've got nothing and i contacted the guy from Coral IETab and he told me he would read som documentation about SeaMonkey, but...

I'd like more support for my SM2.
2009-10-16 18:50



I don't have contact to "all extension developers", so I can't announce it there.
2009-10-17 15:14


from the US

RC 1 isn't horrible, but that one bug where it won't warn you about your opened tabs and just closes (I know, I'm bad for relying on this to see how many tabs I have open, but still...) has annoyed me so much that I've turned off autoupdating and have reverted back to beta 2.
2009-10-18 03:27


OK, i was exaggerated when i told "all developers", but maybe a "press note" to make all developers know there's a magnificent browser that could benefit from their extensions... maybe in mozdev.org ?

I also want to thank you SM developers for giving this piece of gold to regular people.
2009-10-18 17:00



Where should that be sent to? That's my current problem, actually...
2009-10-20 13:57

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