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Weekly Status Report, W19/2010

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 19/2010 (May 10 - 16, 2010):

Some time ago, the Czech Mozilla team asked me to answer a few questions about SeaMonkey - now this interview with me has been published (also available in Czech) - apparently they picked my statement how a marketing team could improve SeaMonkey usage as a headline. ;-)

Also, even while the first alpha is only about the be released, a few interesting things are in the pipe for or already landed in 2.1-targeted nightlies, like the new addons manager (see teaser screenshot (that still has a few things to be ironed out), our version of the findbar, customization of the mail search toolbar and more. And with your help, this already incomplete list can even grow more!

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on May 17th, 2010 17:23 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | 3 comments


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    Latest NoScript NOT compatible with SM 2.1a1!
    Hey KaiRo. It's great that Seamonkey 2.1 alpha 1 was officially released on May 18. One minor problem. Latest version of the NoScript addon can not install under it. I've already contacted the creator of NoScript a day ago about this. A slightly new version of Noscript came out late yesterday and still will NOT install under Seamonkey 2.1 alpha 1.

    But at least the Adblock Plus 1.2 addon will install and work under Seamonkey 2.1 alpha 1.
    2010-05-20 18:06



    With Alphas, it's expected that many add-ons don't work or don't work right away, we'll only be starting to even reach out to add-ons developers once we're in beta. Right now, so many things are in flux that some work on supporting those alpha versions might just be useless in the end.
    2010-05-20 20:03


    Latest NoScript now works with SM 2.1a1
    Now the Mozilla Addons site mentions latest version of Noscript working with at best SM 2.1a2.

    AND latest dev build of Noscript ( that I've just downloaded and installed also works with SM 2.1a1 and the 2.1a2pre nightly builds.
    2010-06-07 18:44

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