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Weekly Status Report, W24/2010

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 24/2010 (June 14 - 20, 2010):

A lot of things are moving forward nicely: Our build machines and test results have improved a lot, but still need some more work - on the latter, you can help as well by figuring out causes of test failures and trying to come up with patches. Passing automated tests would and will make SeaMonkey 2.1 a better product!
That said, I think doing another alpha soon is a good step to that as well, even if the first alpha only had 3300 downloads so far and is at roughly 200 daily used installations now. Handing out somewhat tested milestone builds to people should improve testing of new code and has already doubled overall usage of 2.1-targeted builds up to this point. Further alphas should improve that even more. And the new 2.1 features gained some SeaMonkey-specific points as well recently, which is nice as well.
My own large projects are progressing, but not ready for inclusion yet - places bookmarks is going a bit slow on reviews, and Data Manager not really feature-complete at the moment, but both are moving in the right direction and I hope both will still make the 2.1 release.

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on June 21st, 2010 16:36 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | 10 comments | TrackBack



interested being

from planet earth, solar system, sol, milky way

regarding the firefox release discussions - where
regarding the firefox release discussions - where do i find them.

i am really wondering why firefox 3.6.4 is taking already ages to start being pushed to the public, already lalmost a month by now since the release candidate and what not.

where is the release discussion for the firefox guys to be found? i dont see anything on wiki.mozilla.org

too sad that its taking this long. would be nice to know where we could all follow the discussions and finally find out whats taking so long with current firefoxes.

thank you in advance.
2010-06-22 13:52



Quote of interested being:
regarding the firefox release discussions - where do i find them.

This is internal in the release drivers group, which only the affected people have access to. The story about Firefox 3.6.4 is quite simple, though: They are shipping a new feature there (plugins running in separate processes) and that new feature took longer than expected - and 7 "beta" candidate builds - to get to a stable enough state.

Last edited by KaiRo at 2010-06-22 18:04

2010-06-22 18:03

interested being

from planet earth, solar system, sol, milky way

thanks for the update on release discussions
thanks for the update on release discussions

the oopp (out of process plugins), electrolysis and whatnot is pretty neat and also working nicely as far as i can tell, i am wondering though that apparently there are still (will we see additional build8+?) too many problems?

one problem i am facing is with microsofts silverlight plugin. that almost never works for me (barely) and gives me the crashes.

there is apparently a bugreport for it already but no takers as of now, so i wonder if we will see any 3.6.4 at all or if they will skip directly to the already announced 3.6.6 ?


thanks for your replies. best regards.
2010-06-22 18:45


Firefox 3.6.4 will be out later today Tuesday afternoon June 22, pacific daylight time. I now see FF 3.6.4 posted in the Firefox releases folder on the Mozilla FTP site. no need for Mozilla to produce a build 8 of FF 3.6.4.

And Mozilla is skipping FF 3.6.5 in favor of releasing FF 3.6.6 next month.
2010-06-22 19:57



EP, I know about all that, SeaMonkey 2.0.5 is already on the move to being released today, and the jump over 3.6.5 has no impact whatsoever on SeaMonkey.
2010-06-22 21:30


Quote of KaiRo:
They are shipping a new feature there ... and that new feature took longer than expected
I still don't grasp why a feature backport to FF 3.6.4 delayed the FF 3.5.10 release, and consequently SM 2.0.5 until today. Looking at the list of fixes, I see that 6 highly critical and 3 less critical security issues have been denied to be shipped to the user with those good builds by more than a month just because Firefox didn't get that feature implemented in another branch. It's amazing!

Something doesn't seem quite right, but this will hopefully be an isolated case. In the future, please consider going ahead with the delivery of unaffected releases if FF is delayed in this way. It doesn't matter much to the end user whether or not the fixes are documented and published, the main thing is that the program is no longer affected.
2010-06-23 04:54


P.S.: I'm not yelling at you (in case it came across this way) but on the FF people. :-)

Also keep an eye on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=572637 which won't just break pasting or dropping images for mail/news and composer in 2.1a2, but also 2.0.7 when the respective security fix is supposed to land on the branches.
2010-06-23 05:18



The problem with shipping was that FF 3.6.4 contains the same security fixes as FF 3.5.10 and SM 2.0.5, and while we could theoretically have shipped those others, we wouldn't have been able to tell anyone what we fixed there until today, as disclosure of the vulnerabilities is bound to shipping to the majority of the users, which are on FF 3.6 right now. And yes, we all are unhappy with that and hope this doesn't repeat. I have reasons why I strongly dislike shipping features on stable branches.
2010-06-23 18:51


I totally agree in what you guys are saying, KaiRo and rsx11m.

btw, Mozilla has just released Firefox 3.6.6 way ahead of schedule.
2010-06-27 16:29



Quote of EP:
Mozilla has just released Firefox 3.6.6 way ahead of schedule.

Yes, for an issue with OOPP only, which doesn't concern us any bit.
2010-06-28 21:27

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