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GSoC: MailNews Sync

As Harini's blog doesn't get syndicated on Planet Mozilla, I think it might be a good idea to repeat here what she's posted in time for midterm evaluations in her Google Summer of Code project (which I'm proud to be able to mentor):
Quote of Harini Sirisena:
I have packaged the MailNews sync engine into an xpi file and uploaded it to the mailnews sync project site (http://code.google.com/p/weave-mailnews-sync/downloads/list). It requires Firefox Sync 1.4 (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/10868/) to work (it is basically an extension of an extension!). The MailNews Sync extension currently syncs status, flag and tag data of Feed and Newsgroup items between different SeaMonkey instances.

Anyone interested in synchronizing their feed and newsgroup metadata between different installations of at least SeaMonkey, possibly Thunderbird (not sure what she could make work there), please test this add-on and let Harini and me know how well it works, how it can be improved, and other other feedback you have on that!

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on July 17th, 2010 14:00 | Tags: Firefox, GSoC, MailNews, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Sync | 4 comments | TrackBack



Tony Mechelynck

from Brussels, Belgium

I haven't (yet?) tried it, but it won't be the first "extension of an extension": Mozilla's own "Provider for Google Calendar" is an extension to Lightning (it used to be also an extension for Sunbird, but the latter isn't built anymore).
2010-07-17 14:37


Das ist spannend, ich bin großer Fan der Synchronisierungmöglichkeiten! :-)

Hätte ich ja fast verpasst, dass damit schon die Post abgeht im GSoC...
2010-07-29 00:23


support for mail-accounts?
Is this only limited to news and feeds or do you also plan to extend this for mail settings?

For Example:
I miss the possibility to share (i.e. synchronize) filters and virtual folders for my IMAP-accounts on different Thunderbird installations.

Also in case of IMAP-accounts it would (maybe?) be possible to synchronize via the IMAP-server instead, of an extra additional server...
2010-07-29 12:25



Tom, it surely can be expanded in the future, but right now, we are concentrating on message metadata there. Esp. as a Google Summer of Code project, this needs to have very exact goals and plans, as Harini is getting paid by Google for this - only on success of the project, though, so that needs to be measurable.
2010-07-29 18:52

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