Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 32/2010 (August 9 - 15, 2010):
- Releases:
After the code freeze for 2.1a3 on Wednesday morning, I did some release driving, finally kicking off the first builds for SeaMonkey 2.1 Alpha 3 - but we already found at least two issues we need to solve in a respin. 
- Build Machines:
Did some manual time adjustments and finally filed a bug for getting some NTP access again for the build machines. I guess the buildmaster sees how much more work than the available slaves can bare it has to do, so it squeezes an additional minute into every day, but in the end that's not too helpful, given the rest of the world doesn't agree with that. - Bustages:
We had to fight a few bustages this week, I landed fixes for two mozilla-central-caused compile problems (patches not done by me) and worked up a fix for a ChatZilla-related Mac problem to get things going again. - Tabbed Browsing:
The patch for wrong tabs loading icons as well as the one for loading favicon.ico for bookmarks/history if the right pref is set could both land for 2.1a3, the former fixed a really nasty tabbrowser bug I'm glad we have caught. Unfortunately, I introduced a new bug with this patch, but Serge jumped in and fixed that thankfully. - Places:
After the main patch landed late the week before, I could also get the Modern theme fixes in so things don't look too extremely ugly there for Alpha 3, even if some general work is still to be done for later mailestones and final.
I could also land parts of the review comment backports to Firefox, which is nice for both of our products.
I also worked on addressing a number of post-landing review comments by Neil, which will result in some nice cleanup of the code. - German L10n:
As I'm planning to put up another language pack for 2.1a3, I did put some work into the German locale, bringing it up to the current state of trunk, which funnily required a number of string for my own landed patches like lightweight themes and places bookmarks, but I adopted a good number of those from Firefox. 
- Various Discussions:
SeaMonkey Development Meeting, user agent string changes, possible organization for SeaMonkey, upcoming trip to Mozilla HQ, NNTP and Thunderbird, venkman and SeaMonkey 2.1, putting debugQA on AMO, omnijar, places landing aftermath, Mozilla websites, async redirects and high-profile add-ons, shape of the tree, etc.
Post-places landing talks, planning for the future, and driving SeaMonkey 2.1 Alpha 3 ate up a lot of this week, so doorhanger notifications and Data Manager stagnated mostly, but I hope to pick up work on those this week again.
That said, despite some regressions that need a respin and places bookmarks definitely having some rough edges, this upcoming last alpha sounds like it will be a very great one, showing up a really good number of new things and making a stand for this project moving forward significantly.
That said, your testing and feedback is needed and wanted very much!