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Weekly Status Report, W43/2012
Here's a short summary of Mozilla-related work I've done in week 43/2012 (October 22 - 28, 2012):
When working on the Mandelbrot app for a bit on Sunday, I found again that appCache is tricky to use when it comes to updating. On my mobile devices, I apparently ended up with the app only being partially updated to the new version. I guess I need to dig deeper on how to make this work smoothly...
- CSI:Mozilla / CrashKill:
Filed a bug on an extreme spike in Flash crashes this week, apparently related to Zynga games.
Also filed another bug on another aggregation data backfill needed in Socorro due to another late metrics data push.
Monitored tracking+ crash bugs for 17, so we get the best stability we can in this release.
Kept following the developments in B2G crash reporting, things seem to be moving forward nicely now.
Did some maintenance on my custom reports.
As usual, watched new/rising crashes, caring that bugs are filed where needed, and made sure my custom reports keep working well. - German L10ns:
Reviewed Firefox mobile and desktop localizations for the 18 cycle, and more Firefox OS strings.
Tried fixing a hard to understand phrase in German SeaMonkey and fixed another small bug there as well.
Checked in the sandstone theme for planet.mozilla.de - thanks to Jan for putting it together! - Themes:
Put some more finishing touches on the 2.14 version of my themes, esp. LCARStrek adaptiations for Social API support in Firefox. - Web Apps:
Worked on some improvements esp. for the Mandelbrot app, so it can save prefs (still need to figure out loading them in a quasi-sync mode) and have more of the settings the add-on version also has. Also started off the DB I'll need for bookmarks, even if there's no implementation of bookmarks yet. - Various Discussions/Topics:
B2G testing, B2G geolocation, platform meeting format, etc.
When working on the Mandelbrot app for a bit on Sunday, I found again that appCache is tricky to use when it comes to updating. On my mobile devices, I apparently ended up with the app only being partially updated to the new version. I guess I need to dig deeper on how to make this work smoothly...
Entry written by KaiRo and posted on October 30th, 2012 21:50 | Tags: L10n, Mozilla, SeaMonkey, Status | no comments | TrackBack
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