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Lantea Maps: GPS Track Upload to OpenStreetMap Broken

During my holidays, when I was using Lantea Maps daily to record my GPS tracks, I suddenly found out one day that upload of the tracks to OpenStreetMap was broken.

I had added that functionality so that people (including myself) could get their GPS tracks out of their mobile devices and into a place from which they can download them anywhere. A bonus was that the tracks were available to the OpenStreetMap project as guides to improve the maps.

After I had wasted about EUR 50 of data roaming costs to verify that it was not only broken on hotel networks but also my mobile network that usually worked, I tried on a desktop Nightly and used the Firefox devtools to find out the actual error message, which was a CORS issue. I filed a GitHub issue but apparently it was an intentional change and OpenStreetMap doesn't support GPS track uploads any more in a way that is simple for pure web apps and also doesn't want to re-add support for that. Find more details in the GitHub issue.

Because of that, I think that this will mark the end of uploading tracks from Lantea Maps to OpenStreetMap. When I have time, I will probably add a GPS track store on my server instead, where third-party changes can't break stuff while I'm on vacation. If any Lantea Maps user wants their tracks on OpenStreetMap in the future, they'll need to manually upload the tracks themselves.

Entry written by KaiRo and posted on August 19th, 2017 16:49 | Tags: Lantea, Mozilla, OSM, Web Apps | no comments | TrackBack


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