I've just uploaded version 0.9 of
Data Manager to AMO.
That release actually marks a very important milestone: All I wanted to achieve in Data Manager 1.0 is done, this marks feature completeness in that regard!
The changes from 0.8 are reacting to the remaining data changes (form data, content prefs, permissions) and working with the new XPCOM registration in current nightlies. Actually, the only reason this is version 0.9 and not 1.0 is because I'd like a bit more testing before calling it that - feedback is very welcome! Please grab it when you can (it should go out as a public update within the next days) and test it well.
The first screen shot I made as a teaser in
my first post is still accurate, but here I have a few more in addition:

As you can see, the Klingons are after my test profile these days - but thanks to the Data Manager, I have everything in tight control.
Of course, 0.9 or 1.0 are not the end of the line for Data Manager development, though, but this version will be submitted for the first patch to the
SeaMonkey integration bug. After I have that up, my plans currently include the following next steps for Data Manager:
- Make it possible to directly open a specific domain/tab from other UI.
- Switch the rest of the SeaMonkey UI to call Data Manager, where needed with those hooks, so the other manager can be removed from SeaMonkey.
- Add the ability to add permissions.
- Add a tab for site storage mechanisms.
- More?
I'm planning on doing further development in the add-on and keep it available for Firefox even once it lands in SeaMonkey - which I hope can happen for our next Alpha.
Until that, Please
head over to the add-ons site, install Data Manager, and test it well!